Monday, November 10, 2008

The Blogging Revolution

Nowadays, blogging is just a natural phenomenon that happens everyday and everywhere in the world. No matter who you are, where are you from, as long as you get an Internet connection and you are able to make a blog. Bloggers share their interest, thinking and also having an interactive between each others.

According to Anthony Loewenstein, there's no regular polling as we have in the West about certain issues and ideas, so the web is one way, only one way, to gauge people how actually view both their own countries and the world. However, there are many bloggers in Malaysia used to blog sensitive issue on Internet. Malaysia is known for political blogs compare to Asia where is only 14% of bloggers write about politics.

Blogging issues cause illusion of privacy, threathing to the organization. Nevertheless, it could be used positively by organizations as well. The strengths of the medium include the instanteity of publication, interactivity, and the lack of marketing constraints. (Lasica 2001) Blogging also offers websites the sought after "stickiness" that results from frequently updated content. (Asaravala 2000).

Bloggers are bounced by laws on defamation, sedition, and other limits. (Malaysia General News 2007) PM, Abdullah Badawi's statements in January 2007 was an official restatement of the "no censorship on the Internet" policy announced in August 2006 that bloggers who publish seditious, malicious, or defamatory content will be reported to police.


Loewenstein.A 2008, The Blogging Revolutions, viewed 9 November 2008, <>

Malaysia General News 2007, "Government won't censor Internet bloggers but they must be responsible, says PM, '' viewed 9 November.

echnorati 2008, State of Blogosphere 2008, viewed 9 November 2008, <>

James M. 2001, The Blogging Phenomenon, viewed 9 November 2008, <>

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